Wastewater & Stormwater Utility Planning & Improvements
Town of Arcadia, Indiana
Project Need
- PER was developed to outline capital improvements necessary to address anticipated Early Warning Sewer Ban issues as a result of hydraulic overload.
- PER developed to modify the existing Agreed Order with IDEM to a more affordable and focused regime of improvements – than those originally outlined by the previous Engineer.
- Coordination with the County Surveyor’s Office to aid in the financing and scope of stormwater improvement projects that would also prove beneficial to the wastewater utility.
- Coordination with IDEM regarding historical violations and existing deficiencies.
Project Description
Division “A” – WWTP Improvements
The project includes, but is not limited to, the conversion of an existing polishing pond to an equalization basin, the installation of approximately 500 feet of 15-inch gravity sanitary sewer along with manholes, a bypass structure, the refurbishment of the existing oxidation ditch and clarifier equipment, and the conversion of a chlorine contact tank to ultraviolet light disinfection channel.
Division “B” – Sanitary and Stormwater Improvements
The project includes, but is not limited to, the separation of cross-connected storm and sanitary sewers at several locations, the installation of approximately 2,000 feet of 8-inch gravity sanitary sewer, 1,000 feet of 6-inch force main, a lift station, and approximately 900 feet of 12-inch storm sewer and 400 feet of 15-inch storm sewer with manholes and inlet structures.
Division “C” – Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation
The project includes but is not limited to rehabilitating sanitary sewer pipes and manholes. The work includes rehabilitating 7,100 feet of 8-inch pipe and 2,250 feet of 12” pipe through CIPP installation. Thirty-six (36) manholes are to be rehabilitated.