The Role of Metering in Identifying Potable Water Loss

Metering plays a critical role in the management of potable water resources. By accurately measuring water usage at various points in the distribution system, municipalities and water utilities can pinpoint and address sources of water loss effectively. Potable water loss, whether due to leaks, inaccurate metering, or unauthorized consumption, not only strains water resources but also increases operations and maintenance costs.

Water loss audits (WLAs) are a great tool for utilities to evaluate water loss. WLAs evaluate the amount of water a utility produces compared to the amount of water that it sells. Accurate metering is critical for WLA accuracy. Metering includes both distribution system zone meters and residential customer meters.

Through proactive metering strategies, Utilities can detect and mitigate leaks, monitor consumption patterns, and improve overall system efficiency. This approach not only conserves valuable water resources but also enhances sustainability and reduces financial losses.

For more information on how metering could help reduce potable water loss for your utility or for assistance with completing a water loss audit for your system, contact Travis Harper, PE.