Project Spotlight: Crown Point Western County Lift Station
The City of Crown Point is experiencing rapid residential and commercial growth resulting in increased demand on their existing water and wastewater infrastructure. During the development of the City’s 2019 Wastewater Master Plan, an area immediately west of the City’s current service area was identified as a location where septic elimination and future residential development could occur. Detailed hydraulic modeling and assessments of proposed developments helped identify the projected long-term average daily dry weather and wet weather sanitary flows.
Lake County is currently performing a series of septic tank elimination projects county-wide for areas of noted concern. Several of these projects are slated to be connected to the City of Crown Point’s wastewater collection system through the new 1.0 MGD Western County Lift Station. The construction of the Western County Lift Station and 2,380 linear feet of directionally drilled eight-inch diameter PVC force main was recently completed. The lift station will expand the City’s collection system and service area.
For more information regarding the project and the design of wastewater lift stations, contact Brian Wilson, PE, Associate and Project Manager.