Project Highlight: Evansville Water and Sewer Utility – Wansford Yard Lift Station
The City of Evansville is currently constructing a new 20 MGD Lift Station at the old Wansford Yard Railroad Facility. This is known as the Wansford Yard Lift Station, and it is capable of expansion to a capacity of 25 MGD. The project was broken up into three (3) divisions.
- Division A consists of the construction of a submersible quadplex lift station with two (2) mechanical bar screens; an influent structure with electrically actuated gates; and a new odor control unit. A new building is being constructed to house the electrical/controls, mechanical bar screens, and dumpsters.
- Division B consists of approximately 8,700 lineal feet of new 30-inch diameter force main using traditional open cut construction methods; one (1) major waterway crossing at Pigeon Creek; and bank stabilization. A trenchless installation method was not used to cross Pigeon Creek due to poor soil conditions; a restricted site layout; and significantly higher construction costs. To accomplish the creek crossing, damming and diverting of the creek was required. Due to the creek bed width, water depth, and minimal disturbance area, a water-inflated cofferdam was used to dam the creek. In parallel with the creek damming process, two (2) 30-inch diameter “bypass” lines were installed along the edge of the creek bank. With a typical cofferdam system, bypass pumping would typically be required to divert flow around the work area, or the creek crossing would have to be completed in two phases. Due to the water-inflated cofferdam system, the time of construction within Pigeon Creek was reduced, land disturbance was minimized, and bypass pumping was eliminated.
- Division C consists of the elimination of an existing Lift Station; approximately 2,900 lineal feet of 30-inch interceptor using traditional open cut and trenchless installation methods; and connection to the new influent structure at the Wansford Yard Lift Station.
For more information regarding this project, please reach out to Senior Project Manager Toby Church, PE, CEA, Project Engineer Rudy Notich, PE, Project Engineer Travis Harper, PE, or Project Engineer Aaron Rohner, PE