Trail Project Ribbon Cutting, Delaware County, IN

The Morrison TIF Sidewalk Project (Morrison/McGalliard Trail) brings a total of 5 miles of new multi-use trails, pathways, and sidewalks to the northwest business corridor of Muncie, Delaware County.

The overall goal for this project was to broaden the economic development opportunities within this northwest area of Muncie by connecting visitors and residents with area destinations and services, including Ball State University, hotels, food establishments, transit routes/stops, health services/medical offices, and the community-at-large.

A completed trail, sidewalk, and pathway system also enhances the quality of life for area residents, as well as the experience for visitors which encourages return trips to Delaware County and the City of Muncie.

Commonwealth Engineers looked at ways to connect people by providing a pathway from major destinations across the planning area. We looked at opportunities to create a corridor that might connect residential areas located further from the business district and simply provide connectivity between what is already there.

Immediately after construction, we saw numerous people begin walking these facilities, whether it was for health and enjoyment or with large crowds who can now walk from their hotels and apartments to attend Ball State Football games.

We appreciate working with the Delaware County Redevelopment Commission on this project and look forward to continued collaboration.

For more information on this project, contact Roger Kottlowski, P.E.