Blue Lake Lift Station & Gravity Sewer
Town of Newburgh, Indiana
Project Highlights
- Site restoration
- Gravity sewer installation
Project Description
The project includes but is not limited to the Installation of approximately 788 LF of directionally drilled casing pipe, 818 LF of 10” carrier pipe; site restoration; erosion control; final grading and seeding; sodding; traffic control; and all other work required for the complete installation.
Blue Lake Gravity Sewer Upgrades
Installation of approximately 2,700 LF of 18” gravity sewer main, 1,200 LF of 12” gravity sewer main; approximately 370 LF of 30” steel casing pipe (jack & bore), 160 LF of 24” steel casing pipe (jack & bore); 15 – 48” Diameter Manholes, external drops; grout fill of 230 LF of existing gravity sewer; Removal/Retirement of 2 Existing Manholes; bypass pumping; clearing and grubbing; erosion control; final grading and seeding; traffic control; and all other work required for the complete installation.