During March of each year, all CSO communities are required to file a notice in their local newspaper of highest publication as required by 327 IAC 5-2.6(1). An example of the required minimum language is included below.
CSO Community Notification
(To be filed with a newspaper of largest circulation in March of each year)
As required by 327 IAC 5-2.1-6(1) (Combined Sewer Overflow Public Notification Rule), the (Community Name) offers local media sources, affected public and other interested persons in and around the (Community Name) area to provide information concerning frequency of overflow events that may be triggered by precipitation. Any entity or individual desiring such information is requested to contact the (Local CSO Contact) at (___) ___-_____, or, in writing, to the (CSO Contact Address).
If a CSO Community’s combined sewer system has authorized CSOs that discharge into waters of the Great Lakes Basin, separate Public Notification Requirements apply and include an annual notice to be posted on the community’s website by May 1st.
If you have any questions, contact Brady Dryer at 317.888.1177.