Rome City ribbon-cutting unveils extension of the Fishing Line Trail
In partnership with local and state stakeholders, the Town of Rome City held a ribbon-cutting on October 26 to announce the official opening of a new walking and biking trail. The ribbon-cutting included remarks from Heidi Lang, Rome City Clerk Treasurer; Senator Sue Glick; State Representative David Abbott; Dr. Terry Gaff, President of Noble Trails; Grace Caswell, Noble County Visitor’s Bureau; and Leigh Pranger, Rome City Town Manager.
The trail was constructed as part of a 5-year master plan to enhance community access and promote healthier, active lifestyles. It runs through the Sylvan Lake Public Access Site, along SR 9, across the SR 9 bridge, and over Sylvan Lake Dam. This project also included a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) and crosswalk to help trail users safely cross SR 9. Rome City’s trail is part of the larger Fishing Line Trail system through Noble County.
The project included approximately 1.3 miles of 10-ft. to 14-ft. wide asphalt trail from Gaff Park/Lions Drive to Sylvan Cellars just north of the northern corporate limits of Rome City. Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. was contracted for the design of the project, and the trail was constructed by Pulver Asphalt Paving, Inc. Additionally, the project was funded by a grant from Next Level Trails, which is part of Indiana DNR, and matching funds were donated by the following:
- Noble Trails
- Town of Rome City
- Rome City Conservancy District
- Rome City Chamber of Commerce
- Advance Rome City
- Sylvan Lake Association
- Donations from private citizens
“The completion of this trail is a testament to the power of collaboration and vision. By providing safe and accessible paths for walking and biking, we are not only connecting our community but also encouraging healthier, more active lifestyles,” said Leigh Pranger, Rome City Town Manager. “We are grateful to everyone who helped make this a reality.”