Solar Energy Savings for Your Infrastructure Projects

Did you know that solar power can provide your community with significant savings beyond your electrical costs?

Part of the Federal Government’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda is the inclusion of solar power subsidization. Many agencies are increasing their incentives or are required to allocate funding for projects that incorporate renewable energy components. Adding solar power can rank your project higher on an agency’s priority list for funding. Additionally, your current or planned capital improvements project could be eligible for federal tax credits totaling up to 50% or more resulting in tens of thousands or even millions of dollars in cost savings over the life of your loan.

Solar power systems are easy to install and simple to maintain. Keeping the cells clean will optimize the efficiency of the system and keep your savings at peak levels. Also, solar power systems have more than a 30-year life span. The median solar panel degradation rate is about 0.5% per year. Simply put, your panels should still be 90% effective after 20 years. In fact, many panels installed in the 1980s are still working at expected capacity. Plus, in the last 20 years, there have been significant improvements to panel longevity.

With 12 – 24 months of electrical bills and an aerial view of available land, Commonwealth Engineers can provide a FREE review of the cost-saving potential of adding solar power to your water or wastewater facilities. We conservatively calculate your savings based on a 20-year return. With the extended life of the systems, you may get almost double the life (not to mention additional savings) before you will need to replace your system. 

Let Commonwealth Engineers provide you with a free review of your facility to see if solar power can benefit your community. Contact Toby Church, PE, CEA, or Theresa Criss-Hartwig for more information.