Water and Wastewater Workforce – the Impending Challenge Part 5 – With Challenge Comes Opportunity for Improvement!

Given the impending challenge and historical benefits of long-term broad concept partnerships between municipalities and their engineering consultant, Commonwealth has decided to expand our service offerings to include Operations Assistance. Commonwealth’s intention for offering this service is to reduce the cost of operating and maintaining water and wastewater utilities, trouble-shoot and resolve more complex operational issues, and provide the required training, assistance, and oversight for municipalities newly designated operators.

As existing operations staff retire, the municipality is faced with the challenge of bringing on board his/her replacement. This provides an opportunity for local, entry-level candidates to fill the void, but training and oversight are prudent and necessary to maintain the level of service the utility customers are accustom to. Oversight is further required to address monthly report certifications until new staff receive the required licensures.

Among the new services we will be offering are:
  • Backup Operator – should your Operator require sick leave, vacations, or unexpected absences
  • Operator Training – should you wish to train a local employee to assume the certified operator role but requires oversight and training
  • Plant Evaluations – whereby we will examine the facility and identify a strategy to implement identified cost-savings opportunities
  • Team-Based Oversight – every utility will have the benefit of not only a certified operator, but also access to a regulatory specialist, project funding specialist, and licensed professional engineer
Further, this service is focused on the utilities we have found to be most in need:
  • Those whose service population is 10,000 and under. It is these utilities we feel we can provide maximum value.

We are excited to be able to offer this new service to municipalities across the State of Indiana. We will be introducing our operations specialist spearheading this endeavor in our next blog and on-going series of blogs dedicated to Water and Wastewater Facilities Operations and Maintenance.